<![CDATA[Zoomlaw, Attorneys-at-Law 众律国际法律事务所 - The newsletter]]> utf-8 2023-10-25 18:22:41 2023-10-25 18:22:41 HeimaVista.com inc <![CDATA[眾律國際法律事務所 所長范國華律師 今日參與臺商張老師授證儀式]]> 2017-08-10 17:23:20 <![CDATA[本所所長范國華律師受邀由社團法人新竹愛鄰協會主辦之【家庭財產與法律】演講]]> 2017-08-10 17:22:20 <![CDATA[2014117 台灣國際工具機展參訪@台中]]> 2014-11-10 15:01:34 <![CDATA[【活動快照】本所蔡律師於發明展演講,專利與商標申請注意事項探討。]]> 2014-09-19 10:22:37 <![CDATA[最新消息:20140918-20140921世貿一館。本所受邀參展並派律師全程駐點四天,提供諮詢。]]> 2014-09-18 11:43:42 <![CDATA[最新消息:本所總所長 范國華律師,受邀於今日-(9月18日下午)之「台商智財權糾紛案例解析研討會」中,分享「台商智財權管理與實務方法論-解析中國大陸商業秘密糾紛的攻防」]]> 2014-09-10 17:08:48 <![CDATA[My Internship Experience at Zoomlaw Attorneys-at-Law]]> 2014-09-10 15:29:48 <![CDATA[The merger announcement ceremony between "Zoomlaw Attorneys-at-Law/Zoomlaw IP Attorneys" and "Young's Partner Patent & Trademark Office" will be held at our Hsinchu office on 8/15/2014. We cordially invite you to join us]]> 2014-07-25 10:06:32 <![CDATA[Joe McKinney (Ken) Muncy -Lawyer, visiting Zoomlaw Attorneys-At-Law]]> 2014-06-04 18:05:33 <![CDATA[new "Implementation Regulations for Customs Authorities to Suspend Goods Infringing on tTrademark Rights" comes into force in 2012.08.02]]> R.O.C "Implementation Regulations for Customs Authorities to Suspend Goods Infringing on tTrademark Rights" promagated b...

2012-08-13 17:50:54
<![CDATA[The Sudanese Trademark Office (STMO) issued new regulations on 18 June 2012.]]> 2012-08-01 10:51:02 <![CDATA[DJIBOUTI – The new IP law is now in effect as of 9 June 2012 ]]> 2012-08-01 10:50:12