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淺談美國臨時申請案(Provisional Application)
淺談美國臨時申請案(Provisional Application) 鄭裕涵
美國在專利類型申請上分類為發明專利(Utility patent)、設計專利(Design patent)、植物專利(Plant patent)三種類型,美國在專利申請形式上更有別於其他國家的專利制度,規範有非臨時申請案(non-provisional application)及臨時申請案(provisional application)。臨時申請案(provisional application)的制度依照西元1995年6月8日美國國會通過在烏拉圭回合談判所簽訂的協議(Uruguay Round Agreements Act,RUAA),美國專利商標局(United States Patent and Trademark Office,USPTO)所提交美國專利法,因而產生的一種獨立的專利申請形式。
1. 不一定要有請求項,只需提供說明書、必要圖式及發明人姓名即可建立臨時申請的申請日;
2. 不拘泥於美國專利法所制訂的說明書格式,申請人可以任意格式提出申請;
3.美國專利商標局(USPTO)是接受英文以外的說明書內容,但必須符合美國專利法35. U.S.C. 112第1段及35. U.S.C. 1131的規定;
4. 不能予以審查和授予專利權,它僅可為在一年內提交“正規”申請搶佔一個申請日,自其申請日起算屆滿十二個月後,依規定視為放棄並予以公開;
5. 不能要求一件外國申請為其建立優先權,但根據巴黎公約可以保留國際優先權;
6. 新式樣創作不得申請臨時專利申請案。
在一項研發結果完成的當下,發明人可能還無法立即清楚估算出此一研發成果的市場需求與市場價值,或是在投入智權保護的資金不甚充足的情況下(以大實體(large entity)而言,臨時申請案的官方規費為USD 250,非臨時申請案的官方規費為USD 1,250),申請人即可以考慮以臨時申請案的方式,先取得此一發明的申請日期。待獲取暫時性的權利保護後,再利用12個月的緩衝期間妥善進行市場分析調查與規劃產品銷售區域,屆時在申請日後的12個月向世界各國提出以主張臨時申請案為優先權案來轉換為非臨時申請案(或稱正式申請案)的專利申請,以完整保護此一發明成果。
我國是承認臨時申請案的優先權效力的,申請人亦可以依據巴黎公約article 4(c)2的規定在多數會員國的專利申請時主張其優先權的,但在將臨時申請案轉換為非臨時申請案並於巴黎公約的會員國提出請求時,仍需依照各國的專利制度規定,將臨時申請案的文字轉換為該國/地區所接受的文字。
另外一個實務問題是,臨時申請案可否作為根據專利合作條款(Patent Cooperation Treaty,PCT)所提出的國際專利申請案(以下簡稱PCT申請案)的優先權基礎案?
根據近年來的實務經驗操作,PCT申請案是可以主張臨時申請案為其第一國的優先權案,但申請人仍需在臨時申請案的申請日起12個月內,向PCT提交非臨時申請案的申請,否則當臨時申請案的期限屆滿而放棄時, PCT申請案是無法將申請日回溯至臨時申請案的申請日來做為優先權日。
2020/6/10 補充說明: (眾律楊德馨)
35 U.S.C. 112 Specification.1
The specification shall contain a written description of the invention, and of the manner and process of making and using it, in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same, and shall set forth the best mode contemplated by the inventor of carrying out his invention.
35 U.S.C. 113 Drawings.1
The applicant shall furnish a drawing where necessary for the understanding of the subject matter sought to be patented. When the nature of such subject matter admits of illustration by a drawing and the applicant has not furnished such a drawing, the Director may require its submission within a time period of not less than two months from the sending of a notice thereof.
Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property article 4(c) 2
(1) The periods of priority referred to above shall be twelve months for patents and utility models, and six months for industrial designs and trademarks.
(2) These periods shall start from the date of filing of the first application; the day of filing shall not be included in the period.
(3) If the last day of the period is an official holiday, or a day when the Office is not open for the filing of applications in the country where protection is claimed, the period shall be extended until the first following working day.
(4) A subsequent application concerning the same subject as a previous first application within the meaning of paragraph (2), above, filed in the same country of the Union shall be considered as the first application, of which the filing date shall be the starting point of the period of priority, if, at the time of filing the subsequent application, the said previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned, or refused, without having been laid open to public inspection and without leaving any rights outstanding, and if it has not yet served as a basis for claiming a right of priority. The previous application may not thereafter serve as a basis for claiming a right of priority.
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